In the season 3 finale, he imprisons a wild ocelot named Sebastian and carries him around in a tiny cage.And earlier Edwin did attack him after being fed up with Melvin teasing him with the promise of ice cream. This bites him in the butt at the end where Edwin forfeits the first place ribbon Melvin won and gives it to George and Harold for their own project. For a science project, Melvin is given a hyper-intelligent chimp named 'Edwin' whom he trains to perform various intelligence themed challenges without properly rewarding him for his efforts.
#Captain underpants movie for series#

Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: After an incident in a tissue factory, Melvin turns into a giant, rampaging, robotic booger monster in the last act of Book 6.In fact, Book 6 has him fantasizing about making them his personal slaves. Krupp, if not more, because of their pranks constantly disrupting his need to uphold the rules. Arch-Enemy: He hates George and Harold as much as Mr.Aesop Amnesia: In the series: every time he learns to be nicer to his classmates, it goes out the window by his next appearance.In the movie, he's more than willing to join Professor Poopypants's evil plan for the sake of extra credit. Adaptational Villainy: In the books, he did end up becoming a superhero in 11 and saving the heroes in book 10 albeit for self-serving purposes.This never happens in the movie or books. Adaptational Heroism: In the animated series, he actually redeems himself in the finale of season 2.

The Ace: The smartest student in Jerome Horwitz Elementary school.George and Harold's brainy classmate, he first appeared in book 2 and as a background character in later books, before he became more integral to the plot (and Took a Level in Jerkass to boot). Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Eduardo Garza Voiced in English by: Jordan Peele (movie), Jorge Diaz (animated series)